SEALFIT was originally conceived to train special ops candidates to get into the Navy SEALS. Then something started to happen that we didn’t expect: civilians wanted to discover what it was like to train like a SEAL.

But to train those in the private sector in this fashion – from top athletes to CEO’s and fireman and policeman – we knew we’d have to offer an INTEGRATED, HOLISTIC Training Program.

Many want to be Elite, yet so few realize that it entails much more than just training your physical body. You must train Mental, Physical, Emotional, Intuitional and KOKORO Spirit. We call these “the 5 Mountains” and there is no other program in the world that combines them all into one system.

SEALFIT Fundamental Academy

This is a 3-day SEALFIT Academy that focuses on the fundamentals of the SEALFIT physical training model and Unbeatable Mind principles. The event is available only as a live-in option at SEALFIT HQ. One can attend as an individual by enrolling in a public event through the web site, or you can contact us to customize a private event for your corporate team. There are no physical pre- requisites for this event. Read More

SEALFIT Comprehensive

Not for the faint of heart, the Comprehensive Academy stretches you far beyond your current levels of performance and success. This is deep, immersive training into SEAL philosophy and 20x principle, helping you tap into deep inner power that can forever transform your life. Read More

SEALFIT Immersion

The 2 Week SOF Immersion Academy could be just what you’re looking for. Based on THE original program Coach Divine designed for Special Operations candidates in 2007, it is the longest, most in-depth SEAL program currently offered to civilian trainees. Read More
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Private SEALFIT Academy
If none of the options works for you, then you may consider a private individual SEALFIT Academy. Please contact us for availability and to discuss options.