NEXT EVENT: MAY 1-4th, 2025

Become the Guardian: My One Event for Saving the Ones You Love from Human Predators, Disaster & Trauma 

Start to Master the Skills of Threat Awareness, Conflict De-Escalation, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Urgent Medical Treatment, Firearms Conflict, And More in Heberr CIty, UT on May 1st-4th, 2025.

I have a question that is a bit confrontational…
but needs to be asked… Can you protect your family in an emergency?

What about an emergency with armed criminals?

Most likely, you're pretty good about keeping your loved ones out of harm's way, right? 

You avoid the bad areas of town, walk in well-lit streets, and educate your kids about who they can trust. 

But what if things went wrong anyway? (Like they often do. Look at the local news if you dare.)

Imagine if you did everything right, yet you still found yourself in a life-or-death situation... 

One where it looked like not everyone in your family would survive...

Could you really handle it?

The answer is NO. 

And as much as it pains me to say it, my own answer isn’t that reassuring either: I don't know.

But what I do know is that I am trained in how to protect my family from violence (gun, knife, & bare hands), severe injury, heat-exhaustion, and even an act of nature like a hurricane.

I can rest assured that if the worst case becomes reality, I know how to tend wounds, find shelter, stop rapid bloodloss, and even handle multiple assailants with weapons.

Now if I'm a trained Navy SEAL Commander and still am regularly receiving training like this... 

What should YOU be doing? 

Most individuals do next to nothing. They do the same basic preparations that every citizen does. And these preparations work when everything goes as it's supposed to.

But when the shit hits the fan, all that common-sense goes out the window. 


You Will FREEZE During an Attack Because of This One Factor

Most people are useless in emergencies. They’re scared… their heart is pumping at 190 beats per minute… they are literally unable to think logically… so they make very poor decisions. 

And that’s if they’re lucky… because most people can’t even move when danger hits. People talk about the “fight or flight” response, but for most people, it’s neither. It’s a FREEZE. Even some cops, firefighters, and military professionals end up becoming a deer in the headlights, unable to move.

I once read a sad story about a man whose home was invaded by a rapist. While he lay frozen in bed, the rapist took advantage of his girlfriend. The media played it off as an example of cowardice, but the truth is far darker… Paralytic Freeze can happen to any one of use… due to our simple outdated evolutionary biology. 

Some part of our Caveman brain still believes it’s better to “play dead” than attack an invader who’s threatening our loved ones. And guess what… If you don’t think this can happen to you, it’s more likely to happen to you.

That’s why when I train my closest clients and friends, I spend so much time on teaching you how not to freeze in an emergency. Because this is the baseline of being able to survive and protect the ones you love.  

Violence Is Unpredictable,
So You Need a Strategy for the Unexpected

Want to see, for real, how prepared you are? Imagine this scenario:

You’re out having a nice date night with the one you love. After a lovely dinner, you’re walking back to your car in the underground parking garage. For some reason you feel compelled to look over your shoulder… and you see someone looking at you from 30 feet behind you. You make eye contact, and he’s quick to turn away and start looking at his phone.

Something doesn’t feel right about this. You and your loved one keep walking, a little unsettled, and notice someone else is standing a few feet away from your car. There are no surrounding vehicles, so it looks a bit odd this person is right near where you’re parked.

Do you go to your car, or do you walk away?  

What if you started to walk away, and the fellow you saw earlier starts approaching you? 

Do you run? 

If the other person also started cornering you, what would you do? 

If one of them took out a weapon, would you fight… beg… run… (and hope your loved one could keep up)?

These situations can seem impossible. Sometimes, frankly, it’s checkmate. But if you’re prepared, you have the best chance possible of protecting the ones you care about most, as well as yourself. 

Do You?


Smile & Make friendly

Call out what
They’re doing

Every Step You Take Brings Danger Closer if You Don’t Know This

Most of the time, there are several levels to preventing harm from coming to your family. There’s simple common-sense preparation, which you are probably doing already.

Then there’s Situational Awareness, where you can feel trouble brewing and can remove yourself from the situation. This includes creating that “spidey-sense” where your intuition shows you clues that are invisible, often even to seasoned professionals. 

If you find yourself in a verbal confrontation, there’s De-Escalation, so you can calm egos, soothe anger, and bring things back to safety. But that does not always work. Because a Predator does not care about egos, or even his own emotion. 

He wants to hurt, and your petty attempts to make him feel good about himself are just foreplay before he starts hurting your loved ones right in front of you. (And he’s already planned for what to do if you try to fight him off them). You have one solution and only one solution.


How to Become the “Sheepdog” Your Family Can Always Depend On

The modern adult usually tries to meet their responsibilities. Put food on the table, raise your kids well, make your family feel loved. The problem is that the average "modern adult" is prey to dark individuals, and can be completely caught off guard by physical attack. 

In fact, predators have been known to “interview” their victims for an attack. They put little tests out there to see how much they can take advantage… and even try to predict how fun it might be to hurt you. (That’s why we teach you to spot when this is happening, and FAIL that interview so they go elsewhere for their plans.)

Along with that is the threat of predator-free events like life-threatening storms or outages, automobile accidents, and sudden illness or injury. The Sheepdog protects their family in spite of all this.

In rural pastures, farmers need to protect their livestock. The sheep are always vulnerable to the hunger of savage wolves. These are beasts who will go after the slowest, weakest, or youngest sheep, even infants. 

And the rest of the sheep can do nothing but run. But when the farmer has a Sheepdog, everything changes.

The Sheepdog is loving and kind. It will lick a child's face and forgive that child for stepping on its tail. It plays with the sheep like they're the same breed.

But when a wolf shows up, the Sheepdog reveals its true level of power: Lethal and Dangerous.

Most of the time, the Sheepdog doesn't need to fight. It just bears its teeth and the wolf runs away. Even a pack of wolves will not want to mess with the Sheepdog. 

And if push comes to shove... the Sheepdog will fight and win.

Introducing F.A.S.T. - Fear & Adrenal Stress Training
The #1 Mental, Emotion & Physiological System for 
Staying Calm & Protecting the Ones You Love.

In other SEALFIT & Unbeatable Mind Programs, we teach mental training, breath work, and how to drop stress during the day. All of that will not be enough when there is a gun pointed in your direction or at someone you care about. 

That’s why we take things many levels higher at Sheepdog.

During this program, we utilize the system of F.A.S.T. - Fear & Adrenal Stress Training. This is the world class method for preparing yourself to be at maximum power and discernment when the stakes are sky-high. 

Through intense simulation, tactical breathing, and adaptive emotion strategies, you gain the potential to: 


Maintain your calm in a threatening encounter, so a predator doesn’t see you as an easy target. (That often is enough to make them go away).


Master top decision making in a crisis. This lets you avoid the freeze-up that keeps you from spotting opportunities for escape or for overpowering an attacker. 


Use your adrenaline for POWER. You may have heard of emergency situations where time seems to slow down, and the person involved develops the incredible ability to take several highly critical actions within seconds that save someone’s life. Harnessing your adrenaline in this way is an incredible skill for any crisis.

The Heroic, Truly Lifesaving Skills You Get
During the Sheepdog Training Quest

5 Signs

The 5 signs that an otherwise safe, family-friendly venue is about to get dangerous.

The Breathing Secret

The Breathing Secret for staying completely calm when anyone else would be shaking in horror (This is far beyond Box Breathing and not covered in any of my other programs).

How to Summon Courage

How to Summon Courage from the Clouds…unleashing a burst of strength & inner power that will let you accomplish incredible feats for the next 60 minutes.

Projecting Confidence

The secret to Projecting Confidence that tells thugs, predators, and bullies to avoid you and anyone close to you.

The Knowing Look

The “knowing look” that you can flash at a would-be assailant to let them know you are not an easy target. (Do this WRONG and it looks like you’re inviting a challenge. We’ll explain the difference.)

How to End an Unarmed Fight

The quickest way to end an unarmed fight if a bigger man takes a swing at you.

What To Do if Someone is High

What to do if someone is high on cocaine, PCP, or worse, and cannot be reasoned with.

Threat Assessment

Threat Assessment to know if you’re dealing with a loudmouth, a violent thug, or an ice-blooded killer who has no preference for whether he lives, goes to prison, or dies tonight.

When and How to Speak

When to speak kindly to an adversary and when to speak firmly (If you choose the wrong one, you are almost inviting further conflict.)

Simple Hand-to-Hand

Simple Hand-to-Hand Combat that will make a lethal thug incapable of trying to harm you again.

Easy Fighting Moves

The easiest Fighting Moves you can practice on your own to always stay ready for a confrontation.

Pre-Emptive Attacks

The times you need to hit first… or risk being fully incapacitated. (Some situations require a pre-emptive attack for your family’s safety).

What to Do When Outnumbered

What to do if you are outnumbered by assailants and there is no possible way you can fend them off. 

3 Hints to Mass Shootings

3 hints that a Mass Shooting might be about to take place (and when a “hunch” means you need to alert the authorities).

What to Do in A Mass Shooting

What to do if a Mass Shooting has begun, the doors are barricaded, and escape looks impossible.

Firearm Training

Firearm Training that’s specifically designed for the most common attack situations.

Hostage Simulations

Hostage Simulations for the unnerving moment that someone you love is being held in the arms of an assailant with a gun to their head. 

Target Shooting Tactics

Target Shooting Tactics to raise your marksmanship to decent levels as fast as possible. (You don’t have enough time to spend every day on the shooting range, so this is critical). 

Handling Home Invasions

How to handle a Home Invasion where the intruders’ intention is not clear - and you have no idea if a planned robbery, rape, or murder is about to unfold.

When to Let Loose

When to completely let loose and attack like a wild, savage animal. (It’s rare, but there is a time where this can save your life.)

Tactical Medicine

The best Tactical Medicine for patching yourself or someone else you care about. (You may need to escape an ongoing threat, so you’ll need to learn how to do this fast.)

Quick Injury Assessment

Quick Injury Assessment to know if someone can be moved, needs a life-saving procedure immediately, or has to simply be watched over until help can arrive.

Stop Intense Bleeding

How to stop intense bleeding from an artery… in the 30 seconds you have before the person passes out and dies.

What To Do in Extreme Conditions

What to do if you live in an area with extreme heat or cold and all power goes out. (No backup generators. No government assistance. You are on your own).


And so many more Scenario Based Trainings that will prepare you for just about anything.
I'm not going to tell you every scenario you'll be learning, and that's on purpose. We have a special Blindfold Drill, where we cover your eyes... set up a simulation around you... And then remove the blindfold and drop you into a sudden emergency you need to handle this exact second. It may be one of the situations described above, or one completely foreign.

You will be pressure tested, and we will be absolutely clear with you whether you would have died or survived in this instance (and who else might have been killed). You'll learn incredibly valuable skills here, and start learning how to think on your feet even in the most stressful situations imaginable. You can train your subconscious mind to come up with quick, near-genius solutions to stop a predator or escape a catastrophe, if you use these mindset techniques.

The Courageous Accounts of Those who 
Stepped Up & Became “Sheepdogs” for Life

We would never wish an emergency on anyone. Especially our students and clients that we care for so deeply.  But when a terrible situation strikes, we are always extremely grateful when our students are able to use Sheepdog training to survive the event and protect those they love.

For example, we had one client use our tactical medical training to survive a severe motorcycle accident when he was bleeding out. We had another client use Sheepdog training to get his family to safety during the Las Vegas Mass Shooter incident in 2017

Another client had his fireplace collect gas and explode. He had to escape and collect his family with him. During this incident, he could hear the voice of his head Sheepdog Coach guiding him on what to do. This was all based on what he learned during intense simulations at Sheepdog.

That is a seemingly magical phenomenon that can happen when someone graduates Sheepdog. 

The training gets cemented into your brain, so you know exactly what to do when there’s trouble. Of course, we can’t guarantee that phenomenon will happen, but it happens enough to give us great confidence in what we teach.

Last but not least, we had a client disarm and stop a shooter pointing a gun at him. 

In this case, a robber had a gun pointed at the client’s head. Our client was able to distract the attacker, then take the gun from him, and shoot the attacker in the hip and escape. He attributed much of his success to the mental & adrenal stress training that let him continuously see the next move that would save his life. 

Here are some more stories from people who attended Sheepdog and learned lifesaving skills:
“I really loved the progressive nature of each of the training areas (firearms, H@H, Trauma Medical) and the culmination in the final “exam” where we had to put it all together in a high-stress environment. So cool that it all flowed. That’s a testament to phenomenal coaching.”
“Safety was paramount and well executed. The instructors were truly world-class and willingly gave tips that greatly improved how we all performed. Even small changes in things like grip made a huge difference. I’ve had a lot of fun and success since the event practicing these subtle yet effective improvements.”
“Safety was paramount and well executed. The instructors were truly world-class and willingly gave tips that greatly improved how we all performed. Even small changes in things like grip made a huge difference. I’ve had a lot of fun and success since the event practicing these subtle yet effective improvements.”
“This training was the most practical and focused I think I ever received. By focusing on 3 distances and a single technique for each, we were able to get to a whole new level of effectiveness. “Don’t be afraid of the person who knows a thousand techniques, be afraid of the person who practiced a single technique a thousand times.” These instructors were a great team, and the best of professional instructors. In addition, I learned even more about myself, the progress I’ve made over the years, and what I need to work on next. In spite of my obvious and repeated failures during the training, I made a lot of progress in reframing that into major success since then.”
“I walked away with confidence with what was taught to us because of these scenarios. The skills were taught to us so they became second nature. The scenarios were perfect to put me in a situation to react, not to think. The length of the scenarios were great. The final scenario left everyone on a high.. I can compare it to the feeling of completing Kokoro.. everyone was on a different level after completing the final evolution.”
“Just want to let you know that the sheepdog training was phenomenal. The amount of progress I made on all fronts was nothing short of extra ordinary. So much happened this event… I just want you know that Scott and the team did amazing. They created a super safe space and triggered exponential learning.”
“The Sheepdog event was amazing. What made it so special was the quality of coaching staff. Another accelerated growth experience for us all! I hope there will be more of these events in the future.
Hooyah! “

This Program is Not Cheap But is the Least You Can Pay For These Lifesaving Skills

For this weekend, I am asking for an investment of $5,499.

Yep, I'm cutting right to it. No adding up of costs "you'll save" in hospital bills (or worse) from coming to this program. Because I believe if Sheepdog training is for you, you know already.

You know that you deeply care about protecting your family. You know that you are not ready to handle these horrific situations because almost no one is. And you know that being able to confidently prevent a tragedy is worth all the money under the sun. Because this training can save the life of someone you love, it is by definition priceless.

But we do have to live in the economic world, so there is a cost.  It's $5,499 to have the top instructors I can find available to train you.

To get a member from Seal Team Six in the room with you is almost unheard of. Same with getting Krav Maga experts at the level that we can offer here, as well as Combat Medicine Specialists.

In fact, If you were to train in Combat Medicine, Specialty Firearm Training (Including Point Shooting), Weapon Retention, Elite Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Fear & Adrenal Stress Straining, you would pay well over $15,000, and most likely have instructors anywhere near at the caliber we’re offering here.

This Program is Not Cheap But is the Least You Can Pay For These Lifesaving Skills

For this weekend, I am asking for an investment of $5,500.

Yep, I'm cutting right to it. No adding up of costs "you'll save" in hospital bills (or worse) from coming to this program. Because I believe if Sheepdog training is for you, you know already.

You know that you deeply care about protecting your family. You know that you are not ready to handle these horrific situations because almost no one is. And you know that being able to confidently prevent a tragedy is worth all the money under the sun. Because this training can save the life of someone you love, it is by definition priceless.

But we do have to live in the economic world, so there is a cost.  It's $5,500 to have the top instructors I can find available to train you.

To get a member from Seal Team Six in the room with you is almost unheard of. Same with getting Krav Maga experts at the level that we can offer here, as well as Combat Medicine Specialists.

In fact, If you were to train in Combat Medicine, Specialty Firearm Training (Including Point Shooting), Weapon Retention, Elite Hand-to-Hand Combat, and Fear & Adrenal Stress Straining, you would pay well over $15,000, and most likely have instructors anywhere near at the caliber we’re offering here.

Here are your options:

You can pay $5,500 up front.
Or you can make two payments of $2,750.
OR you can make three payments of $1834.

Now all you have to do is sign up.

Up Front
2 Payments Of
3 Payments Of
What to expect on each training day
Our training is an integrated approach to developing the skills and mindset required to be a Sheepdog in all areas of life. Not only is our training philosophy integrated to improve outcomes by involving the whole person; our drills and training formats contextualize and integrate the skills and domains we teach to illuminate how each disciple must inform the others.

Each day of training includes optional SEALFIT Physical Training to prepare the body for training, as well as guide participants in methodologies they can implement in their own training going forward.

We treat each individual and class uniquely, meeting people where they are and progressing in a manner that ensures an optimized training experience.
Overview of the May Sheepdog Training:
  • Focus on safety fundamentals and hone in on concepts that create success in Handgun/Point Shooting, prioritizing safety, mindset and key success factors. Begin stress inoculation process, and assess how performance coaching will inform the trainees experience. Provide invaluable tactical medicine training with hard won lessons learned straight from the battlefield. 
  • Focus on safety fundamentals and hone in on concepts that allow an Edged Weapon to function as primary self defense (everyday carry) tool, including blade choice, grip, defensive responses and patterning. Discuss and follow-up with stress inoculation training drills. Continue to provide invaluable tactical medicine training with hard won lessons learned straight from the battlefield. 
  • Increase the intensity of Edge Weapons training and Introduce FAST (Fear and Adrenal Stress Training) scenarios that include knife skills with coaching that serves to equip participants with a script that will serve them in violent encounters and emergency situations. Here we train the brain to respond to stress in pre-organized formats. Continue to provide invaluable tactical medicine training with hard won lessons learned straight from the battlefield.

Free Pre-Event Firearm Training: Essential for Novices!
Join us for a complimentary two-hour firearm familiarization training session offered the afternoon before our event (2-4pm). This session covers pistol disassembly, assembly, handling, and safe pistol holding, perfect for those new to firearms. 
 And, come meet the Sheepdog Cadre and classmates - this is a relaxed event.

We end each day with “dinner and debrief”, where coaches facilitate an After Action Review to capture lessons, answer questions, and go deeper in the areas of mindset and training. This is a critical part of improvement and cognitive flow.

One, two or three days supports your powerful Sheepdog journey — join us.
If You Value the Safety of Your Family
This is Your Best Choice
We never know when disaster might strike, but we can be ready. And we are made ready by the choices we make ahead of time. These choices include our level of physical fitness, our decisions of what situations we put ourselves in… and our training for dealing with sudden terror.

If you can afford to attend this program, then I absolutely urge you to come. It is the single quickest way you can begin building the skillsets to be a true protector of yourself, your family, and your whole community. I love when pastors and other religious leaders come to Sheepdog, because they are the perfect example of those committed to protecting their “flock.” I also love when Boy Scout Leaders, community organizers, and schoolteachers attend. But it’s just as important when a father of three attends, or even a single person that wants to be prepared for when they have a family to protect.

You can never learn these skills too soon but you can learn them too late. Don’t learn this too late. I beg you.

Choose your plan below and I’ll see you in Texas.

Now all you have to do is sign up.

Up Front
2 Payments Of
3 Payments Of

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the standard fitness requirements?

There are no standard fitness requirements. This is not a crucible experience, but rather a highly focused training.

Is firearms experience required?

No, but please tell us about your level of firearms experience prior to the event so we can place you with the right instructors.

Can I bring my own gun?

Yes. If you do so, you’ll need to bring your own ammo as well.

When and Where is this happening?

May 1-4th, 2025
All held in Heber City, UT

Where should I stay?

Lodging and meals are included in the price of the event. You will be staying at a large residence in a shared room.

Are meals included?


What if I become injured or cannot attend the event on the day I have registered?

There are absolutely NO REFUNDS on any events. You can reschedule your event up to 48 hours prior by paying a fee. See our terms and conditions for more information and fees.
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