NEW! Bodyweight and Limited Equipment Workouts in SEALFIT Online
A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Unconventional Training For Physical and Mental Toughness.
A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Unconventional Training For Physical and Mental Toughness
-Jeff, Kokoro Camp 13"You’ve created an amazing life experience and I’m honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to live it. I draw on the experience every day in so many aspects of my life —in my thinking and reflection, relationships, training, teaching and coaching, pro-action/action/reaction, business, etc. While I’ve completed some relatively sizable endurance events in the past…none of those experiences comes even close the holistic takeaway from Kokoro Camp. Not even close."
-Michael Hall"I was one of the Spring 2014 classmates for the SealFit 20X challenge. I just wanted to thank you for this great opportunity. There isn’t a price that could be made to account for all SEALFIT taught me. I can honestly say I feel like I can capture the world and become anything I put my mind to. I am truly blessed to be in control of my entire mind."
-Casey Blake"I turned 50 this year and wanted to take on a big challenge. 20X looked tough and I expected to be tested physically, but also hoped to learn about myself and become a better leader in everyday situations. What I learned from 20x was the strength you have working as a team. Over the course of the 12-hours myself and the other 26 participants were pushed to our limits, but with the great coaching we learned to support each other and work together. When I struggled with a challenge being too tough, others gave me strength and encouragement. I began to feel stronger while encouraging others. We became one team. If you are looking to improve who you are as a person and commit to living your life to the fullest, do not hesitate or you will never know what you could have accomplished!"
-Marten"I owe a lot to Sealift and very much like how it has grown over the years. I put it two use two weeks ago while on vacation with the family. My 11 year old daughter twisted her ankle at the end of strenuous hike on Camel Hump Mountain in Vermont with about 1.5 miles to go….I put the backpack on the front and her on my back…..We hiked the entire 1.5 miles without putting her down once – surprised myself and her in the process. So thank you Sealfit for preparing me for that!"
Extremely Difficult
Historic 50% pass rate, how do you stack up?
July 25-27th, 2025
Come test yourself at any fitness level
Attainable for the motivated and determined athlete.
July 26th, 2025
Become The Guardian
My One Event for Saving the Ones You Love from Trauma, Disaster, & Human Predators
May 1-4th, 2025 in Heber City, UT
SEALFIT was born out of the desire to help NAVY SEAL candidates successfully complete Navy SEAL Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training with a special emphasis on surviving NAVY SEALS “hell week”. . We then discovered that civilians were interested in participating in a Navy SEAL fitness training and the program evolved to something much more. Beyond being a Navy SEAL fitness program, SEALFIT has become a way of life and state of mind for thousands of people around the world. Developed by retired Navy SEAL Commander Mark Divine, SEALFIT combines physical training with mental toughness training to help you get through virtually anything life throws your way. Explore our programs and events that replicate the Navy SEAL training camp experience today.