Discover What’s REALLY Inside You In The Ultimate Test Of Physical and Mental Endurance
July 25-27, 2025 (open)
Temecula, CA
KOKORO™ is considered the most powerful and challenging physical, mental and emotional training available to civilians in the world. Modeled after the U.S. Navy SEAL’s famous Hell Week and integrated with Mark Divine’s world-renowned Unbeatable Mind™ training, KOKORO is the premier training event for forging mental toughness, emotional resiliency, and elite team skills.
The KOKORO Crucible
KOKORO is the ultimate crucible experience.
After you experience KOKORO, you will have a deep understanding of this truth…
There is life before, and then there is life after KOKORO.
During this one-of-a-kind crucible experience, our elite KOKORO coaches – including active and retired Navy SEALs – will train you to overcome any obstacle, tame your mind, and completely eradicate fear.
Building on what you learn and experience from other 20X crucible events, KOKORO is a major milestone in your journey to evolve to your fullest potential as a human being, and to maximize performance – all in, all the time!
You’ll ascend to the summit of Five Mountains of physical, mental, emotional, intuitional and spiritual wholeness with this life-changing event. It will transform every aspect of your being.
Civilian leaders, both men and women, as well as military special operations candidates, train side by side in this crucible. Each trainee is seeking to tap into strength and resolve that is 20X (twenty times) what they had previously thought accessible.
Trainees are held to strict performance standards just like a Navy SEAL candidate. Here are the standards:
PST – You will be tested for maximum reps and you MUST reach the following minimum standards in a semi-fatigued state:
- 50 push-ups (40 for women): 2 minutes
- 50 sit-ups (40 for women): 2 minutes
- 50 air squats (40 for women): 2 minutes
- 10 dead hang pull-ups (8 for women)
- 1 mile run in boots and utility pants: 9.5 minutes
- Swimming competence: 500-yard continuous swim. A 10-minute continual water tread
In addition to the PST you will be physically tested on how fast you can do MURPH. There is a 75 minute time cap.
MURPH (in boots with weighted ruck ~20# men, ~10# women. You can partition the pullups, push-ups, and squats in 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats):
- 1 mile run
- 100 pull-ups
- 200 push-ups
- 300 air squats
- 1 mile run
Medical Standard: In good medical health with a physical within one year of the event. Any heart condition is a disqualifier.
Character Standard: Prove to be a good teammate. We reserve the right to ask you to leave if you are not.
KOKORO $4499
"Those 50 hours were perhaps some of the most grueling, yet rewarding I have ever encountered in my life. As a marathon runner and a competitive athlete everything now seems like a cake walk in comparison…I now feel I have the confidence to get through BUD/s, and with the experiences I faced in camp I can take it with me to Coronado and use it so I can help not only myself but my teammates."
-Trey Fischer, KOKORO Camp 9"You’ve created an amazing life experience and I’m honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to live it. I draw on the experience every day in so many aspects of my life —in my thinking and reflection, relationships, training, teaching and coaching, pro-action/action/reaction, business, etc. While I’ve completed some relatively sizable endurance events in the past…none of those experiences comes even close the holistic takeaway from Kokoro Camp. Not even close."
-Jeff, KOKORO Camp 13"I am not the same person after Kokoro. The experiences I had during Kokoro 29 have completely and permanently changed me in very powerful ways – for the better. I am not the same person I once was and I’m proud to say I have been forged into a stronger man. Hooyah!"
-Loren L."There are decisions in life that really define a person. When my Kokoro coach first told me that I was not allowed to leave; I was upset. I was thinking who is this guy, and why won’t he let me quit. When he told me you will thank me later I thought no way. At the end of camp I realized he was absolutely right. I cannot put into words how grateful I am that he made me stick it out. It was a lesson that I will keep my entire life. It taught me how to keep on pushing when you are working in a team, and how important it is to be there for your team. It taught me that in life you can not quit no matter how hard life gets. You just need to keep on fighting and putting one foot in front of the other. No one knows what is going to happen in the future, but if you give your all you will be successful. That is the best lesson anyone can learn. Thank you so much!"
-Coulter Turchin, KOKORO 30 Matras"Preparing for and completing Kokoro camp was the best thing to ever happen to me. I was able to learn more about myself this summer than some people may ever learn about themselves in a lifetime. It has not only made me a better leader for my teammates, but a better leader of my own life. I find myself making better and more and confident decisions. I’m not as easily flustered as I was before. Each day of my life I use something I learned at Kokoro to my advantage. My coach has told that I “no longer run from challenges, but rather run straight at them. I strongly encourage anyone who is thinking of doing Kokoro to just go for it. It will change your life and teach you things about yourself that you may not be able to imagine. I now crave life’s challenges and look to push myself outside of my comfort zone. Like I tell everyone who has asked me about Kokoro: If I can make it through, so can you."
-McCall Tomeny, KOKORO 29
The event location changes. Please review the dates, times, and place upon your registration.
You will be provided with hydration, food and kickass training.
The cost of your 12-week KOKORO Prep online training is included in the total price.
Upon completion you’ll receive:
- A certificate of completion (PDF)
- SEALFIT Challenge Coin
- KOKORO Patch
- The KOKORO T-Shirt
You can not buy these items.
It is recommended that you complete our SEALFIT Online Training OPWODs for over 6 months prior to KOKORO and complete a 20X event to be suitably prepared.
The 12-week KOKORO Prep is mandatory in order to give you the absolute best chance to conquer KOKORO.
- 3 pair black BDU pants
- 2 pairs of compression shorts
- 1 pair of “broken in” boots
- 5 white crew neck t-shirts with last name stenciled on front and back
- 1 BDU utility belt (black)
- 2 pairs of workout or WOD shorts
- 5 pairs of wool blend hiking socks (layer for long hikes)
- 1 pair of running shoes
- 1 warm sweatshirt or outer jacket
- Boonie or baseball cap (optional, but recommended)
All medical concerns, conditions, prescriptions as well as any injuries need to be fully disclosed on the event health assessment application.
Any prescription/medication must be given to event medics at the beginning of your event.
Heart conditions are a disqualifier for participating in the event.
Attendees are responsible for securing their own transportation to and from the event.
You will not be allowed to leave our premise on your own after the KOKORO Camp. You will need to arrange transportation. Please be advised that we do not recommend that you fly or drive long distances for 24 hours after this event.
If you do not complete the event you will be transported to a local hotel at a time of SEALFIT’s choosing. Any expense incurred for lodging is your sole responsibility.
Please refer to our section on medical conditions.
If I fail to complete a event for any reason am I eligible for a refund or to repeat free of charge?
Do to the nature of their work it is forbidden to take pictures of many of our coaches, therefore personal cameras are not allowed.
Spectators are strictly forbidden.
Yes, for groups of 5 or more. Please contact for more information.
You don’t.
Retired and Reserve Navy SEALs, members of the military and Special Operations community and select number of SEALFIT certified coaches.
If you fail to meet the minimums for the PST and Murph, you will be considered a performance drop. There will be no exceptions due to safety concerns.
Unexpected things come up in life. We understand that so we try our best to accommodate date and/or time transfers, whenever possible. You can reschedule your event up to 48 hours prior by paying a fee.
The age limit for both 20XL and Kokoro is 17. If you are under 18 it requires parental consent. Please reach out to if you are under 18 and want to attend Kokoro.