Basic Training Course

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Over the years many SEALFIT athletes and graduates of our academies and Kokoro Camp have asked for a way to further develop their skills in the tools and methodology of our unique and extremely effective training model. Some want to hone the principles and tools to enhance their own training, while others have sought a way to to be an official part of the SEALFIT team and bring the training to their communities as a SEALFIT Basic Trainer.

We’ve come up with a personal and professional development path for those of you interested in taking a deeper dive into SEALFIT training methods. It starts with the Basic Training Course. This first step is a two-day seminar to teach basic SEALFIT philosophy, principles, methods and standards for individual use. This event is open to anyone, and is a requirement for those seeking to affiliate with SEALFIT.

What is Covered in the Basic Training Course:

● A deep primer in SEALFIT’s unique and powerful methods for forging mental toughness, warrior spirit, teamwork and durability.
● SEALFIT philosophy and training methods, Training SOPs, Strength, Stamina, Work Capacity, Endurance, Durability, Injury Prevention, and Scaling, for the OPWOD and SOFWOD
● SEALFIT specialty skills such as Log PT, Grinder PT, Tires, Ropes, Buddy Drills and Sand Bag training.
● SEALFIT’s method of developing mental toughness through training, to include breath control, positivity, visualization and micro-goals within the structure of a SEALFIT training session.


Once you’ve completed the SEALFIT Basic Training Course, you are eligible to become an affiliate and start coaching and charging client for OPWODS, Grinder PT, Monster Mash and rucking in your community. As an affiliate you will get full access to SEALFIT Online Elite Plus and Unbeatable Mind which are invaluable resources for training athletes in the SEALFIT protocol and Unbeatable Mind principles. As a SEALFIT affiliate you eligible for commissions when clients register for events and online training via unique links that will be issued when you affiliate.

As you progress in the affiliate program a select group of applicants will be engaged to coach official SEALFIT events throughout the country (and world). The only way to be eligible for this program is to be an affiliate in good standing (post Basic Training Course), complete the Basic (formerly Fundamentals), Advanced (formerly Comprehensive) and Kokoro camp. Coaches will be determined at SEALFIT’s sole discretion

If you’re interested in becoming a SEALFIT affiliate, enter your email below and we will be in communication when the next Basic Training Course becomes available.

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