

The SEALFIT Headquarters is in Carlsbad, CA. SEALFIT events occur at different locations around the country. When you book an event, information on where to meet will be sent to you.

If you don’t have the time, or don’t feel you can handle the load, then scale the WODs and / or break them into two segments as follows:

Monday / Wednesday / Friday WODs:

  • AM: Range of Motion, Strength and Stamina (can do run here if programmed)
  • PM: Warm-up, Work Capacity and Durability (can do run here also)
  • Once a week do the entire WOD in one setting for mental toughness development.
  • Note you can vary this arrangement as suits your schedule or gym. Some will do Strength/ Stamina one day, followed by the Work Capacity and Durability the next.

Tuesday / Thursday and Saturday WODs:

  • Do as prescribed, or consider a Crossfit.com (or our affiliate uscrossfit.com) WOD in lieu of the SEALFIT.com WOD.

Additional Rest Days: If you find yourself feeling worn-out, lethargic and down, then you likely need an additional day of rest. Do NOT hesitate to take the day off.

SEAL FIT WOD programming goes beyond traditional CrossFit programming by integrating:

  1. Warrior Spirit development utilizing classic eastern tools such as breath control, meditation and yoga
  2. Strength development
  3. Stamina development
  4. Work Capacity development – using programming similar to CrossFit or drawn directly from CrossFit
  5. Endurance development – specifically running, swimming and rucking.
  6. Durability – core development, joint strength, and extremity care, along with proper rest and re-fueling are all introduced in the WODs, and trained in depth at the Academy.
  7. Teamwork and Leadership development – our WODs are best done as a Team, and good teamwork and leadership development are a focus at the Academy and SEALFIT camps.

There may be a few things at work here. Check your bulk, junk or spam folders. Sometimes messages can be routed there.

If you ever unsubscribed to any of our emails, then you may have said you don’t want any communication with us. If you want to change that you can enter your email address anywhere on the site and it will re-activate you. Or contact us and let us know. We can take care of that easily.

One way to make sure you will continue to get our emails is to add sealfit.com to your safe sender list. Here are some instructions on how to do that.

You can view the older “How To” videos on our YouTube channel. Our new library of exercise videos is available with SEALFIT Online membership.

To change your password, login and visit the Customer Center linked to from the members home dropdown menu.

Kokoro & Academies

No. We have many international students. Our online training is open to anyone. For the personal training at SEALFIT HQ you just need to get yourself here.

Each of our camps and academies has a specific gear list. Please visit those pages for the details.

Yes, and they are different for each event. Please refer to the specific page for each event to review the minimum physical standards required for each.

No, this is not a military “boot camp” program; it is a functional fitness training program for civilians, military and fitness enthusiasts alike.

Minimum age is 17 years old with parental permission; there is no maximum age limit. The only requirements for our events is to meet the minimum physical standard set for each.

No. We are happy to offer you the gear needed for our Events but those particular brands are not a requirement. Any combat boot will suffice. For Kokoro make sure they have drain holes.

You will receive an invoice confirming payment. You will also receive a confirmation email from SEALFIT HQ with a link to complete an application. Once you complete your Event Application and Health Assessment, no news is good news.

You will receive a Warning Order approximately 30 days prior to your event with check in instructions.

This question is hard to answer because it depends on how you’ve lived your life up to this moment. Consider joining SEALFIT Online if you want to erase the question of whether or not you are ready.