SEALFIT Online Elite Plus Promo - SEALFIT

Get Focused on your Goals. 

Get the training program that has 4 daily WODS, community access AND feedback from SEALFIT coaches.

For a VERY limited time we are offering 50% off and a 30 day free trial.

Choose an Option:

           $19.97 Elite Plus (Per Month, Click here)
           $189.97 Elite Plus, Save an additional 20% – Fill out form below.

SEALFIT Online Membership Terms & Conditions:

1. 90 Day Minimum Membership
2. Money Back Guarantee must be requested within the first 60 days of membership in the academy.
3. Active Membership: Must have an active membership to SEALFIT Online at the time of any discounted offer or free event offer associated with this membership plan.
4. Cancellation Policy: Membership may be cancelled any time after 90 days by submitting a cancellation request to: community@sealfit.com

Contact community@sealfit.com at any time if you have any questions or need assistance.

Participant. By agreeing to participate in one or more physical fitness programs, classes, workouts or events sponsored or held by SEALFIT – Unbeatable Mind and any affiliated companies which may include but does not require, and is not limited to, one or more of the following: initial assessment, introductory training, personal training and/or coaching, SEALFIT or CrossFit training, and/or physical fitness training, and/or assistance or instruction of any kind, by CrossFit and/or any affiliate, subsidiary or partnership of SEALFIT. Prior to participating, SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind have made me fully aware that the fitness programs/classes which they offer and in which I desire to participate are of a nature and kind that are extremely strenuous and can/may push me to the limits of my physical abilities. I recognize and understand that the programs/classes and exercises undertaken therein are not without varying degrees of risk, which may include, but are not limited to the following: muscle soreness, minor aches and pains, tiredness, stiff joints and muscles, tearing of muscles, ligament, muscle tissue or bone tearing or breakage, serious and/or life-threatening injuries to the musculoskeletal and/or cardio respiratory systems, serious bodily injury or death.

Statement of medical condition: I realize that SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind offer training programs that are difficult for very fit persons, including elite athletes, competitive athletes, and combat-ready troops. Knowing this to be the case, I do hereby state and certify that I receive periodic medical check-ups at least once a year, that I have had a physical examination from a competent physician within the past 12 months, and that I have no cardiovascular or other concerns, problems or illnesses that might keep me from participating in a SEALFIT or CrossFit training program, such as (but not limited to) heart problems, lung problems, circulatory problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, shortness of breath, chest pains, arrhythmia, heart palpitations, arterial dysfunction, circulatory disorders, or other condition that would raise concern in the mind of a reasonable person. I have no knowledge of any other medical problem or condition or problem that might increase my risk of illness and injury as a result of participation in such a program. SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind has fully and carefully informed me that I may experience adverse physical changes during and/or after exercise, such as joint or muscular aches and/or pain, swelling, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorder of heart rhythm, stroke, and in very rare instances, heart attack or even death, and again, I fully understand this to be the case. With my full understanding of this information, I again agree to assume any and all risk associated with my participation in SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind fitness programs/classes.

Assumption of All Risks: For and in consideration of being allowed to participate, I do hereby intentionally, willingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for any and all risks of injury, including serious bodily injury or death, as stated above, to which I may be exposed as a result of my participation in SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind physical fitness programs, classes, workouts or events. I accept full and complete responsibility for any injury or death, including expressly any injury or death that which results from my own negligence.

Release: For and in consideration of being allowed to participate, and in recognition of the above-mentioned risks and hazards, I do hereby intentionally, willingly and voluntarily release, waive, remise and discharge SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind, its agents, officers, principles, and employees, and each of their heirs and assigns from any and all claims and causes of action, known or unknown, including any liability, claim, demand, action or right of action arising or out of my participation in the above-referenced activities.

Indemnification: I recognize that there is risk involved in the types of activities offered by SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind. Therefore I accept financial responsibility for any injury that I or the participant may cause either to him/herself or to any other participant due to his/her negligence. Should the above mentioned parties, or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to reimburse them for such fees and costs. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind, their principals, agents, employees, and volunteers from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in activities offered by SEALFIT/ Unbeatable Mind.