Many people resonate with Gandhi’s quote, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
What do you think the most important word in that sentence is?
A lot of us focus on doing, especially when we set goals.
That is useful and appropriate. We call that our Front Sight Focus Plan at Unbeatable Mind.
But we pay as much, if not more, attention to how we want to be in the world, to how we want to show up for others.
Think about it.
What is your One Thing?
Get that really clearly in your mind.
Maybe for you, it’s doing Kokoro, or 20X, or becoming an Unbeatable Mind Coach.
Now, who is it that you will need to be able to do that? To be able to help others?
You will discover in our SEALFIT Crucible events that it quickly shifts from what YOU can do, to how you help OTHERS.
And being an Unbeatable Mind Coach is all about developing yourself so that you can more effectively help others.
How are you showing up right now?
What are the BEING characteristics you are looking to demonstrate through your doing goal?
Even though your doing goal will take time to achieve, start BEING that person right now.
Hooyah, Coach Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: SEALFIT Online
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine
Posted By: Mark Divine