02 Aug2011 BUD’S Standards Test. 500 meter swim, breaststroke or side stroke. (11:30) 10:00 minutes rest. 2:00 minutes of max rep pushups. (42) 2:00 minutes rest. 2:00 minutes of max rep situps. (42) 2:00 minutes rest. 1 set of max rep pull-ups. (8) 10 minutes rest. 1.5 mile run. (11:00) Max number of push-ups in two minutes. Elbows must extend completly and chest must touch ground. Rest only in the up position. Max number of sit-ups in two minutes. Shoulder blades must touch ground, elbows must hit knees, rest only in the up postion. Log the number of reps you complete, we will be doing this workout a few more times over the coming weeks. http://www.navyseals.com/training-fitness
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