Left alone, things tend toward disorder, chaos and destruction. All systems naturally break down. Constant change is the only constant. Scientists call it Entropy.
This applies to all physical things – such as your house, car, and computer. It also applies to your body, your mind and your spiritual life.
Darn, as if it wasn’t hard enough already, entropy is working against us to disorganize and destroy our lives!
Or is it? The operative word in the opening statement above is “left alone.”
What if we didn’t act like the 99% and just “leave it alone?” What if we learned to use creative, positive energy to re-charge our system daily?
In Unbeatable Mind we are developing a daily practice to do just this. 30 minutes to one hour a day of creative, positive, rejuvenating and re-charging to stem the tide of entropy. All while developing greater sensitivity, awareness, mental toughness, clarity of thought, and vitality.
Practices such as the Tibetan 5, Qi Gong, Warrior Yoga, Breath Control, Still Water Runs Deep Visualization, Body Scan and Mindful Meditation are tools we use to ensure that our most precious asset – us – is not “left alone.”
Physical Training alone is not enough. PT must be complimented with Mental Training (MT) and Spirit Training (ST). Perhaps you would like to join us?
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