NOTE – As noted in the main BLOG, the WOD posted by the SEALFIT team is for seasoned operators and industrial athletes. It is NOT suitable for beginners or most athletes with specific training needs. This Pre-Training BLOG is for our online coaching members, who are receiving more specific help with their training plans and exercises. IF you feel you are ready to step it up, then please register for the coaching program today!
Full extension of hips, do not pull with arms untill hips are open, conduct high pull with explosive upward pull till elbows are above ears and bar is just under chin. A full and complete repetition is when the bar is under the chin, elbows are above the ears and participant is on tippy toes. Ensure hands are within one thumb space together so bar is close to being unbalanced. Participant wants the hands close together so they can make sure they are pulling equally with each arm. Bar should be returned to waist before ground to avoid injury. Weight does not matter, form is essential. XXX meter run after each set.
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