Unbeatable Mind Coach Dr. Lara Pence gives tips on how to deal with emotional triggers (and be on the watch for our Unbeatable Mind Coaching program rolling out later this month).
We all feed the fear wolf sometimes.
I know I do.
But suppressing your emotions hijacks your health.
That’s why it’s crucial to have a “swim buddy,” that you can talk to when you’re stressed out.
One of the consistent predictors of health and longevity is having a strong social support structure.
When I get stressed, I talk to my wife, a good friend or a close colleague. I do a lot of work on my own, but it always helps to have someone to talk to, and they invariably provide invaluable perspectives.
So seek those people out.
If you are someone who people go to, do your best to be present, and non-judgmental…
Use your active listening skills, ask powerful questions, get the person to see patterns or connections, help them to size the issue appropriately (we can catastrophes things, or make them seem like they will be there forever at the same level of suckiness). You can also get them to compare how things were last year at the same time (generally we will find that there were issues then too – maybe even worse).
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