Unbeatable BLOG Archives - SEALFIT

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The Mark Divine BLOG: Simple Is Not Easy

Simple is Not Easy Once upon a time a benevolent ruler, interested in educating his subjects, sent his wise men into his realms to discover the meaning of life. They returned a year later with seventeen volumes of information. Thinking there must be a simpler truth, he ordered them to condense it to a single […]

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Is It Time to Overhaul Your Diet?

Overhauling your diet is not an easy task—the availability of cheap food and the ingredients used to make that food make it tough. Consider the statistics that shed light on the uphill battle: some 45 million Americans each year try a diet, spending an estimated $33 billion on weight loss products. So in winning the […]

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The Mark Divine BLOG: Developing Heart

Developing Heart   January 8th marks the one-year anniversary of the launch of Kokoro Yoga ™. Kokoro, from Japanese culture, means “heart” and would translate better as “spirit” or “wholeness.” The term caught my attention when I considered what happened to the warrior-athletes who boldly step into the crucible experience of our SEALFIT 50-hour camp. […]

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The Mark Divine BLOG: Special Forces

I recently spoke at a conference called ChiroFest and started the talk with a moment of silent gratitude for all the military warriors who serve and protect. It was nice to see 700+ Doctors honor the veterans – and it got me thinking about how I was personally drawn to serve. I was in New York […]

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