Are you nervous about the direction the country and world is heading? I am. With real unemployment nearing 20%, the government is spending an inconceivable amount of borrowed money and showing no appetite for real reform. The Fed is printing an equally inconceivable amount of money to finance this debt. I am witnessing an essentially […]
Read More2011
Tony Blauer discusses Personal Defense Readiness with Coach Divine – Video. I was reflecting today on how SEALFIT, as a trainer of Special Operations candidates, has also become a trainer of a new breed of civilian sheepdog. More and more 30 to 50 year-old, modern-day professional warriors are coming through our training seeking answers to […]
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Subject: Coach Divine’s Reading List Success & Philosophy Unbeatable Mind, by Mark Divine Theory of Everything, by Ken Wilber Integral Spirituality, by Ken Wilber Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl Think and Grow Rich or The Law of Success, by Napolean Hill Being Peace, by Thich Hhat Hanh Yoga Sutras, by Patanjali As a […]
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You don’t have to join the Navy and become a SEAL to develop a warrior mind set and operate at a level of awareness and power that is uncommon. The term “warrior” comes with a lot of baggage. Many assume that one has to be a “combat fighter” to be a warrior. Certainly most elite […]
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The other day I was contemplating the saying, “still water runs deep” – one of my favorite quotes from my martial arts mentor Kaicho Tadashi Nakamura of Seido Karate. The still water of the deep section of the river runs pure, slow and silently, like a calm, deep mind. The choppy, shallow rapids are murky, […]
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SEALFIT Coach Dan Cerrillo (Taco) When I decided to do the Bataan I really didn’t know why it had popped into my mind. I had thought about it for about three years but my past career had always kept me really contemplating it. For some reason this February as the time got closer something in me just […]
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When we talk about emotional development, we are referring to our depth of character. As we train our minds to be still, and thus more perceptive and aware, we notice that our bodies “speak” to us as well. Our bodies are giant energy producers and storehouses. The energy we store is often emotional “baggage” that […]
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Mental Toughness is the second mountain of SEALFIT training, hinting that it is not an easy “climb.” The ancient Greeks understood and embraced the concept of using hard physical training to develop the mind along with the qualities of good citizenry…such as discipline, honor, integrity, teamwork, fortitude and compassion. Those who have spent time in […]
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During this final segment to the Staying in the Fight SEALFIT Journal series, I want to emphasize the significance of what we’ve covered and how everyday decisions can ultimately impact whether you succeed or fail in your life’s endeavors. A “staying in the fight” mentality is crucial for success in any endeavor. Whether you are […]
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