Welcome to this week’s installment of SEALFIT TV. Watch Coach Lance Cummings demonstrate the safe and effective use of the tire in a SEALFIT workout. Coach Cummings is a 30 year veteran of the Navy SEALs and is Director of Training Operations at SEALFIT HQ. P.S.: We highly encourage anyone interested in SEALFIT’s camps to […]
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I am pleased to share a contribution by our Director of Business Development and Unbeatable Mind Coach Michael Ostrolenk. Michael is a graduate of SEALFIT Academy (3 week) and Kokoro Camp 12. He’s offering us solid advice to accelerate our personal development through the power of peers. One of the reasons SEALs become learning masters […]
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Happy Monday, Please enjoy this episode of SEALFIT TV! We will be offering a new episode every Monday so plan on enjoying this informative content every week. Ever wonder which diet is best for you to follow? Watch Joseph Lillie, one of our best here at SEALFIT HQ, give an overview of diets that are […]
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I Hope you like The Habits of The Master Series We’re taking a short break this week. I’ve been working on a few projects and so I’ve rented a cabin to stow away and write! I’ll also be working on some fresh content for next week’s blog. And now, introducing SEALFIT TV… In the meantime, I […]
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The Golden Rule, Habits of Mastery, part 9 In Part 8 of the Habits of Mastery, I introduced the concept of becoming “other focused.” To truly serve others we must embrace the Golden Rule because we are compelled to, not because it just makes sense. What I mean by that is you are compelled to act in the interest […]
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Resolve Positively! On New Year’s Day, I attended a very good yoga clinic near the SEALFIT Training Center. The seasoned teacher, Michael Fukumara, talked about resolutions, a fitting subject for the day. His insight hit home and is worth sharing. Michael said that whenever he sets a New Year resolution that comes from a place […]
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As we head into 2013, I thought this letter from Abe Lincoln to his son’s teacher would be a nice reminder of the value of both a Parent and a Teacher in shaping the lives of our children. Our future lies in our own heads, hearts and hands…don’t outsource yours in 2013. Happy New Year […]
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Becoming Unflappable In “Habits of Mastery, part 5” we discussed the concept of a heightened state of awareness. Heightened awareness is developed through training in somatic practices such as Warrior Yoga, Qi Gong and most martial arts. Traditionally it was also developed naturally by hunters and stalkers such as the ancient Apache Scout and modern Navy SEAL as a […]
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As we continue our look into the Habits of Masters, one of the more unique habits to explore is a heightened state of awareness. Developing an elevated awareness muscle leads to a level of sensitivity to the world that allows for insight and intuition to flourish. This heightened awareness extends to: Our own thoughts and […]
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As we continue our look into the habits of the Masters, I find myself reflecting on how rarely we see these qualities in those who crave the public spotlight – to include most politicians and entertainers. The path to mastery is often a lonely pursuit requiring long hours of training and sacrificing many pleasures as […]
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