Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, Row 500 M then 3 Rounds of 10 Clapping Push ups, 15 Ring Rows, 20 Power Cleans Work Capacity:  Complete the Following for Time 10 Rounds 5 Power Snatches 115/75# 400M Run 5 Power Cleans 400M Run   Durability: 50 4 Count Mtn Climbers, 50 4 Count Flutter Kicks, […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, 4 Rounds; 25 Sit Ups, 25 Push Ups, 20 Walking  Lunges Work Capacity:  Complete the Following for Time 50 Cals on Airdyne or 150 Cals on Rower 50 Overhead Walking Lunges 95#/65# 40 Cals on Airdyne or 120 Cals on Rower 40 Overhead Walking Lunges 30  Cals on Airdyne or […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, Barbell Complex with Burpee Chaser (65-95#)   Work Capacity:  With a 20# Vest Complete the Following for Time 1 Mile Run 10 Curtis P’s (95/65#) 800M Run 15 Curtis P’s 400M Run 20 Curtis P’s 200M Run 25 Curtis P’s 1 Mile Run Durability: 800M Farmer Carry (70/53) 5 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

“Here is courage, mankind’s finest possession, here is the noblest prize that a young man can endeavor to win.” Tyrtaeus of Sparta Join Red Circle Foundation, Operation Hawkeye and The Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation in honoring the memory of Glen Doherty and recalling the bravery he and his teammates exhibited on September 11th and 12th 2012 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, Barbell Complex w/Burpee Chaser 65-95# Work Capacity: 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3, 2, 1  Reps Of The Following: Push Ups Rope Climbs Chest 2 Bar Deadlifts 225/185#   Durability: 50 GHD Sit Ups, 50 GHD Back Extensions,  Hydrate, Fuel   Get after it!

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Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, Barbell Complex w/Burpee Chaser 65-95# Work Capacity: 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3, 2, 1  Reps Of The Following: Push Ups Rope Climbs Chest 2 Bar Deadlifts 225/185#   Durability: 50 GHD Sit Ups, 50 GHD Back Extensions,  Hydrate, Fuel   Enjoy the Weekend!

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Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, 5k Run On Soft Sand or Trail. Work Capacity: AMRAP 30 Min 5 Ground to Overhead 135# / 95# 10 Burpees 500m on a rower   Durability: 100 Arm Haulers, 100 4 Count Flutter Kicks,  Hydrate, Fuel   Enjoy the Weekend!

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Weekly Monster Mash

  Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, Row 1000m, 25 Burpees, 15 Toes To Bar, 5 Min Plank Hold Work Capacity: 100 Bench Press (100/65#) Run 800m 75 Back Squat (100/65#) Run 400m 50 Deadlift (100/65#) Run 200m 25 Strict Press (100/65#) Durability: 3 Mile Ruck over the roughest terrain you can find, Hydrate, Fuel   […]

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Weekly Monster mash

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM, 4 x 400m Jog, Run, Sprint, Sprint with 1 min rest between rounds. Work Capacity: 10 Rounds For Time w/ 800m Buy In 5x Deadlift 225#/155# 10x Toes 2 Bar 15x Dumbell Thursters 45/25# 20x Sit Ups 25x Box Jumps 24/20″ 800m Cash Out Durability: 400m Walking Lunge, 400m […]

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Weekly Monster mash

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM drills, Row 1000 Meters at moderate pace. Stamina: SEALFIT PST: Max Dead Hang Pull-ups, Max push-ups in 2 Min, Max sit-ups in 2 minutes, Max air squat in 2 minutes. Run 1 mile AFAP. Record and report scores. Work Capacity: Swim 500m Combat Side Stroke or Row 2,000M 50x […]

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