Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash   Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, Barbell Complex 45 – 95#   Work Capacity: 30 Min Time Hack You and a teammate move as much weight as you can from Ground to Overhead. (add up each rep between you and your partner multiply by weight on barbell for your score) […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash “If it don’t suck, we don’t do it.” Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, Run 800m, 5 rounds: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats Work Capacity: 45 minute AMRAP 10 burpees 50 wall balls 400m run 10 wall balls 50 burpees 400m run Durability: 20 minutes Warrior Yoga, […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, 2 Rounds, 20 Push Ups, 20 Sit Ups, 20 Pull Ups, 20 Air Squats Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for Time 20 Dips 20 Diamond Push Ups 20 Strict Pull Ups 20 Box Jumps 30″ 20 185# Deadlifts 200m Sprint Durability: 20 Min Warrior Yoga, Hydrate, Fuel.

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash “Challenge is a necessary process for growth.” Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, 4 x 400M Sprints, Barbell Complex, ROM Drills Work Capacity: 30 Clean and Jerks @ 135 Run 1,200m Row 1,000m 50 Push-ups Rest 1 min 30 Power Snatches @ 115 Run 1,200m Row 1,000m 50 Push-ups Rest 1 min 30 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, 1 Mile Run, ROM Drills Sometimes we need the push of others to reach our highest individual potential. Primer: (with a partner) – Count your repetitions in each round, partner with lowest total for the 2 min round assumes 5 burpee penalty. 2 min max effort w/30 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, Run 800m, 10 Strict Pull-up, 25 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups. Work Capacity: 100 Double Under Buy In 21-15-9 Clean and Jerks (135/115) Calories on the Rower into 5 Rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Airsquats) into 9-15-21 Power Snatches (115/95) Calories on the Rower into 3 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, Barbell Complex 45 – 95# Work Capacity: “Glen” 30 Clean and Jerks 135# 1 Mile Run 10 Rope Climbs 1 Mile Run 100 Burpees Rest 5 Min “Murph” With 20# Vest 1 Mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Squats 1 Mile Run […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Intern Takeover! School is out and we have a new crop of interns at HQ. That means we get to kick our feet up, have our coffee fetched and delegate tasks, like programming the weekly monster mash. HOOYAH Interns! Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, Run 400m, 20 Barbell Thrusters, 20 Push-ups. 20 pull-up, […]

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