Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing., then ROM drills. 4 rounds – Barbell complex (75#-105#) with push up chaser. Work Capacity: 20 rounds – Every 60 seconds, perform the following… 5x wallball (20#/12#) 3x handstand push up 1x power clean (185#/135#) Durability: 8x hill sprints (If you do not have access to a hill, substitute 200m […]
Read MoreBaseline: Run 800m then 7 rounds of 5x pull up, 10x Push up, 15x Sit up every minute on the minute. Work Capacity: Cover as much distance rucking (40lbs) for 2 hours as possible: -Every 15 minutes: 25x push ups with ruck on. Durability: Kokoro Yoga or Active Stretch, hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP, Box Breathing, then ROM drill. 5 minutes: 10x Goblet Squat, rest in the bottom of the squat for the remainder of the minute, perform 5 rounds with no rest. Work Capacity: 3 Rounds For Time with a swim buddy: 2 mile run 400m lunge 500m Swim Durability: 5 minute plank, stretch, rehydrate, refuel.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. Work Capacity: “Murph”. Complete the following for time… Run 1 mile 100x pull ups 200x push ups 300x air squats Run 1 mile *If you have a 20# weight vest or body armor, wear it. Durability: Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. Run 800m, then Burgener warm up + skill transfer exercises. Work Capacity: “Isabel” and “Grace” “Isabel” – Complete 30x snatch for time (135#/95#) Rest 5 minutes “Grace” – Complete 30x clean and jerk for time (135#/95#) Durability: Run 30 minutes in the hills, beach, or most difficult/fun […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. 4 rounds – Barbell complex with push up chaser (75#-105#). Work Capacity: With a partner, complete the following… 100m tire flip 100x sledge hammer strikes 100x box jumps on tire 100x push ups with feet elevated on tire *Only 1 person can be working at a […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. Run 200m, 10x DB snatch right arm, Run 200m DB snatch left arm. Work Capacity: “Weston”. Complete 5 rounds for time of… Row 1,000m 200m farmers carry (45#/35#) 50m right arm waiter walk (45#/35#) 50m left arm waiter walk (45#/35#) Durability: Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate […]
Read MoreBaseline: 3 rounds: Run 400, 10x KBS (light), 10x Slam Ball, 10x Burpees Work Capacity: For Time: Ruck Run 3 Miles (35/25) Swim 1 mile Ruck Run 3 miles (35/25) 200x Burpees
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. Work Capacity: “Clovis”. Complete the following for time… Run 10 miles 150x burpee pull ups *Break up as needed Durability: 30 minute easy recovery swim. Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Box breathing, then ROM drills. Complete 30-20-10 reps of 4-count mountain climbers, sit ups. Work Capacity: Partner workout… Partner #1 runs 200m, while partner #2 performs max rep sledge hammer hits. When partner #1 returns from the run, switch task. Repeat this cycle until as a unit you have performed a total of 500x […]
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