Weekly Monster Mash – 9/9/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time: 100x Dead Hang Pull up 200x Push up 300x Air Squat *Every time you break (When you come off the pull bar, or stop continuous motion of either the push ups or air squats), complete 200m run. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 9/2/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: “Glen” For time: 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 1 Mile Run 10x Rope Climb 1 Mile Run 100x Burpees Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 8/26/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For Time: 1 Mile run 40x Sand Bag Get up 40x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 800m Run 30x Sand Bag Get up 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 400m Run 20x Sand Bag Get up 20x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 200m Run 10x Sand Bag Get […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 8/19/2017

Baseline:  Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 70 min. AMRAP:   800m run -5 Rope Climbs -10x Man Makers (40/25) -15x Curtis -P (95/65) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 8/12/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time: 2 Mile “Adam Brown” 2 Rounds: 24x Deadlift (295) 24x Box Jumps, 24 inch box 24x Wall Balls, 20 pound ball 24x Bench Press (195) 24x Box Jumps (24) 24x Wall Balls, (20) 24x Clean, (145) 2 Mile Run (Complete 2 mile run […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 7/29/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time: 1 Mile Run 100x Tire Flip 1 Mile Run 100x Burpees 1 Mile run 100x Slam Ball 1 Mile Run 20x Rope Climb Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 7/22/2017

Baseline:  Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time with a Swim buddy: 1 Mile Buddy Carry 1 Mile Farmer Carry (55/35) 1 Mile Walking Lunge. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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