Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, 2 rounds: 200m run, 25m Bear Crawl, 25m Crab Walk. Work Capacity: Complete 500 Burpees for time: *Every 10 min. Complete a 400m Run. Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreWork Capacity: For Max Distance/ Reps: 30 min. Max Distance Row 30 min. Max Distance Run 30 min. Max Burpees Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, 200m run, 15-10-5: Barbell Thruster, Burpee. Work Capacity: “SPEHAR” For time: 100x Thruster (135) 100x Chest to Bar Pull up 6 Mile run Durability:Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreSaturday Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, Rpw 500m, Foam roll, calf & IT band focus. Work Capacity: Complete for time with a swim buddy: 2 mile swim 8 mile run 13 mile ruck 10 rounds: 5x Dead hang Pull up 10x Push up 15x Air Squat Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then 5 min. Double under – every time you break or mess up = 5x Burpees Work Capacity: 90 min. AMRAP: 200m Farmer Carry (55/35) 100m Walking lunge 5x Wall Walks 400m Run with Sandbag (40/30) Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, 2 rounds: 200m run, 10x Burpees. Work Capacity: For time and reps: 10 mile run, right into.. 20 min. AMRAP of Burpees. Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreWork Capacity: For time: 3 mile run with Sandbag on back (40lb) 30 Rounds: 5x Pull up 10x Push up 15x Air Squat 3 mile run (no sandbag) Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, 21-15-9 reps: Squat tuck jumps, plyo push up, V- up. Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time: 1k row 1k Ruck (40lb) 1k Run Durability: Kokoro yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills then, 21-15-9 reps: Squat tuck jumps, plyo push up, V- up. Work Capacity: For time: 2 mile run 100x Pull up 100x Box Jump 100x Push up 100x Wall Ball 100x Burpees 2 mile run Durability: Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, ROM drills, then warm up Clean and Rope Climb. Work Capacity: With a Partner complete Triple “Glen” 90 Clean & Jerk (135/95) 3 mile run 30x Rope Climb 3 Mile Run 300x Burpees *Partners split reps however needed using 1 Barbell and 1 Rope- Partners can run together (1.5 miles […]
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