Weekly Monster Mash – 8/22/2015

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM drills. Run 400m, 30x sandbag cleans, Run 400m. Strength: Clean 5×3, then EMOM for 10 rounds of 7x Dips Work Capacity: Complete 4 rounds for time of…      Run 400m with sandbag (80#/60#)      10x Sandbag Curtis P’s (80#/60#)      Run 400m without sandbag      20x burpee Durability: Max duration plank hold […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash   Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, 800M Run, 200m Bear Crawl, 100m Alt Lunges Work Capacity:   For time: 1 mile run 25 thrusters (95/65) 1200m run 25 thrusters 800m run 25 thrusters 400m run 25 thrusters 200m run 25 thrusters   Durability: 20 minutes Warrior Yoga, Hydrate, Fuel Hooyah!

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash   Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, 800M Run, 200m Bear Crawl, 100m Alt Lunges Work Capacity: 50 Sand Bag Step Ups 20/16′ 60/40# 10 Sand Bag Get Ups 200M Run w/Sand Bag 20 Sand Bag Squat Cleans 400m Run w/ Sand Bag 20 Sand Bag Back Squats 200m Run with […]

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