Weekly Monster Mash – 12/19/2015

Baseline: Pre-SOP, box breathing, then ROM drills. Run 800M then do 20-15-10 PVC OHS, Jumping Pull-ups Work Capacity: Complete 4 rounds for time of the following…      8x Overhead squat (105#/65#)      16x Burpee      3x rope climb (15ft)      400m run Durability: Swim or ruck for 30 minutes. Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 12/12/2015

Baseline: Pre-SOP, box breathing, then ROM drills. 15 minutes of sandbag drills Work Capacity: Complete the following for time…      Run 1 mile with sandbag (80#/60#)      50x sandbag cleans      25x sandbag get-ups      Run 1 mile slick Durability: 30 to 60 minute swim or fast ruck (50#). Warrior yoga or Active Stretch. Hydrate and fuel within 30 […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 11/21/2015

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills. Then 3 rounds – 50x double unders, 25x air squats, 15x push up, 5x pull up. Work Capacity: “300”. Complete the following for time…       25x pull up       50x deadlift (135#/95#)       50x push up       50x box jump (24in/20in)       50x floor wipers (135#/95#)       50x KB clean and press (16kg/12kg)       25x […]

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Weekly Monster Mash

Weekly Monster Mash Baseline: Pre- SOP, BB and ROM Drills. Run 800M, then 15 minutes of various Sand Bag Drills (70/40) Stamina / Work Capacity: Teams of two (*) perform AFAP: Run 1 mile 50x Dead Lift (225/155) 100x Box Jump (24/20) 50X Power Clean (155/115) 100X Slam Ball (40/20) 50x Overhead Squat (115 / […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 11/14/2015

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box breathing, ROM Drills. Run 800m, then Grinder PT for 30 minutes. Work Capacity: Complete 4 rounds for time of…       Run 800m       50x KB swing (32kg/24kg)       40x Jumping Lunges (ea leg = 1 rep)       30x pull up End-Durability: Run 3 miles, Swim 1 mile, Run 3 miles. Scale distance as necessary. Warrior Yoga […]

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