Weekly Monster Mash – 11/18/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: In a Team of 3, complete for time: 1500x American Kettlebell Swing (55/35) *There must always be one partner running 800m, other 2 partners are switching off performing KB Swings. *Only one KB can be used, break up reps however needed. Durability:Hydrate and fuel within […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 11/11/2017

Saturday Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time: 1 Mile Run 400m Walking Lunge 200x Push up 100x Pull up 200x Push up 400m Walking Lunge 1 Mile Run Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 10/21/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 60:00 AMRAP: *Teams of 2: 400m Buddy Carry (200m per partner) 8x Rope Climb 80x Box Step up 20x Tire Flip 30x Burpee *Partners may split up reps however needed. One partner working at a time. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 10/14/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP, Box Breathing, then ROM drill. 5 minutes: 10x Goblet Squat, rest in the bottom of the squat for the remainder of the minute, perform 5 rounds with no rest. Work Capacity: 3 Rounds For Time with a swim buddy: 2 mile run 400m lunge 500m Swim Durability: 5 minute plank, stretch, rehydrate, refuel.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 10/7/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: With a partner, Complete for time: Row 42,195m * Switch partners at any time, Resting partner must hold a 45/35# plate at all times. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 9/30/2017

Baseline:  Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 4 Rounds for time: 1 Mile run 5x Rope Climb 5 Rounds: 15x Push up ,15x Sit up, 15x Air Squat. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 9/23/2017

Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: With a partner: Row 21,098m *One partner rowing at a time, split up however needed. *Partner not rowing accumulates as many Burpees as possible during rest period. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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