Saturday Baseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Glen and back: 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 1 Mile run 10x Rope Climb 1 Mile run 200x Burpee 1 Mile run 10x Rope Climb 1 Mile run 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time: 1K Row 20x Burpee Box Jump over (jump on top of box then down the opposite side). 200m Farmer Carry (70/55 per hand) 10x Man Maker (45/35 per hand) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills Work Capacity: For time with a swing buddy: 4 Mile Run 1 Mile Swim 4 Mile Ruck (40#) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: “Spehar” For time: 100x Thruster (135/95) 100x Chest to Bar Pull up 6 Mile run Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For Time: Completed while wearing a weight vest (20/15#) 100x Curtis-P (95/65) *Everytime you drop the bar, complete a 400m Run. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Glen and back: 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 1 Mile run 10x Rope Climb 1 Mile run 200x Burpee 1 Mile run 10x Rope Climb 1 Mile run 30x Clean and Jerk (135/95) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 4 Sets for time with a partner: Partner A) Run 800m Partner B) AMRAP: Round 1) Man Maker Round 2) Curtis – P Round 3) Burpee – Pull up Round 4) Rope Climb *Once Partner A gets back, Partner A will then perform same AMRAP […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 90:00 AMRAP: 400m Run 50x Sledge Strike (25/side) 200m Farmer Carry (55/35) 20x Sandbag Get up 50m Overhead walking lunge (45/35) 5x Rope Climb Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: With a partner for time: (Split reps between partners, both partners must complete the full run portions) 1 Mile run 100x Sledge Strike 800m Run 100x Slam Ball 400m Run 100x Wall Ball 400m Run 100x Slam Ball 400m Run 100x Sledge Strikes 1 Mile […]
Read MoreBaseline: Pre-SOP and box breathing, then ROM Drills. Work Capacity: With a partner: 30:00 Minute AMRAP. A: 400m Run B: AMRAP: Man Maker Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.
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