Weekly Monster Mash – 10/31/2020

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time with a partner:  800m Swim  33x Burpee  3 Mile Run  33x Burpee 3 Mile Ruck  34x Burpee *Both Partners complete full workload. Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 10/17/2020

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Complete with a partner:  1 Mile Run (together)  30:00 AMRAP:  One partner completes as many burpees as possible while the other partner holds KB in each hand in static farmer carry position (55’s/35’s)  *Partners switch at any time.  *If a KB ever touches the ground (including […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 9/26/2020

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time:  1 Mile run  20x Curtis – P (95/65)  1 Mile Row (1610m)  20x Man Maker (35/20)  1 Mile run  20x Curtis – P (95/65)  1 Mile Row (1610m)  20x Man Maker (35/20) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 9/19/2020

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Complete 5 Rounds for time with a partner:  Partner 1: 400m Farmer carry (55/35)  Partner 2: AMRAP Burpee  Partners switch when Farmer carry partner finishes 400m *Partner with most burpees at the end of 5 rounds wins.  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post […]

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