Weekly Monster Mash – 6/12/2021

Baseline:  Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Double Glen  60x Clean and Jerk (135/95) 2 Mile run  20x Rope Climb  2 Mile run  200x Burpee  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 6/5/2021

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 5 Rounds for time:  1,000m Row  20x Burpee Box Jump  400m Farmer Carry (55/35)  30x Wall Ball  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 5/1/2021

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 45:00 AMRAP: 1,000m Ruck  30x Slam Ball 200m Farmer Carry 50x Alternating Box Step up *Ruck is only to be worn during 1,000m Ruck.  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/24/2021

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 10 Continuous Rounds for Max distance: On a running clock:  5:00 Max distance run right into 1:00 Max Burpee  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/17/2021

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Between 2 Partners:  ½ Marathon Row (21,097m) for time.  While one Partner rows, other partner completes:  100m Farmer Carry (55/35)  15x Burpee Box Jump 50m Walking Lunge  Switch Partners  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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