Weekly Monster Mash – 5/27/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 40:00 AMRAP:  -400m Farmer Carry -50x Wall Ball -200m Bear Crawl -50x Slam Ball -200m Walking Lunge  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 5/20/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: For time with a partner: -15,000m P1: Rowing P2: AMRAP Turkish Get up (53/24) while P1 Rows * Partners may switch at any time after 10 Turkish Get up are completed. * 10 Turkish Get up MUST be completed before switching Durability: 20 minutes Kokoro yoga. […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 5/13/23

Baseline:  Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills, Work Capacity: Double Glen:  -20x Rope Climb -60x Clean Jerk (135/95) -20x Rope Climb -2 Mile Run -200x Burpee  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/29/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills.  Work Capacity: 10 Rounds for time:  -2x Rope Climb -100m Farmer carry (70/55) -20x Burpee Box Step up (Alt. legs) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP. 

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/22/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: Complete with a partner:  60:00 AMRAP: -P1: 400m Farmer carry (55/35) -P2: AMRAP:    30 Cal. Row    30x Burpee -Partners switch when farmer carry gets back -Score is combine burpees completed at the end of 60 minutes.  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal […]

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/8/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills. Work Capacity: 2 Rounds for time:  -400m Walking Lunge -400m Bear Crawl -50x Reverse Burpee Cash out  Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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Weekly Monster Mash – 4/1/23

Baseline: Pre SOP, Box Breathing, ROM Drills.  Work Capacity: 10 Rounds for time:  -2x Rope Climb -100m Farmer carry (70/55) -20x Burpee Box Step up (Alt. legs) Durability: Hydrate and fuel within 30 minutes. Journal post training session SOP.

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